Invasive Species
One invasive specie in the African Grasslands are the fire ants. They may be small but the affect they have on the grassland is very big....

Animal Adaptations
One example of an adaption in the African Grasslands is lions blonde hair. The blonde hair lets the lion blend in to the tall grass and...

Predator/Prey Relationship
One example of a predator/prey relationship is between the cheetah and the gazelle. Since these two live in the grasslands the gazelles...

Species in African Grasslands: Cheetahs
Cheetahs are one of the fastest animals on the planet, able to run more 70 miles per hour. The mothers spend weeks teaching the ways of...

Species in African Grasslands: Lions
Lions Lions stay in a group called a pride with about 3 males, a dozen females, and the young. Lions mark their territory with urine. The...

Species in African Grasslands: African Elephant
African Elephant The African Elephant is the largest animal walking on the planet. When travelling they movie in big heads through...

Species in African Grasslands: African Wild Dogs
African Wild Dogs African Wild Dogs hunt in groups. The group numbers range from 10 to as as 40. They are predators who run up to 45...

Species in African Grasslands: White Rhino
White Rhinos White Rhinos are the second largest land mammal in the world. Thy live to about 50 years old. They have poor eyesight but...