The Tropical Grasslands are very important in helping the earth and its ecosystems (The community in which many organisms live and...

Plants in African Grasslands
There is a variety of plants in the African Grasslands, often 3 to 6 feet tall at maturity. It looks like the grasses are in thick...
Geography and Meteorology Sources
Sources Weebly, "Savanna", WeAdapt, "Using climate information to support adaptation...

Physical Features and Climatographs
Tropical grasslands are rolling lands with isolated trees and shrubs. They have scattered plants, because there is not enough rainfall to...

Symbiotic Relationships
A symbiotic (symbiotic refers to the term used to describe organisms relationships in a biome) relationship in the Tropical Grasslands is...

Climate and World Distribution
The climate of African grasslands is humid, and hot. The prime months for precipitation (another word for rainfall) are between January...

The tropical grasslands of Africa are home to many organisms, but where do they live? What does their home look like? What are the...
Species at Risk
The most endangered species in the African Grasslands at this moment are the African Elephants. Firstly these animals are targeted by...

Food Web
An example of how humans influence the food web in the grassland biome is that humans hunt the animals to extinction which means the...