Tropical grasslands are rolling lands with isolated trees and shrubs. They have scattered plants, because there is not enough rainfall to support a forest. They cover more than 13 million square kilometers of Africa, and have the highest biomass (the total mass of organisms in a specific region or area) of organisms in Africa. The soil is porous, (this is when there are lots of hole is the ground allowing drainage) this means that the drainage is higher here, meaning that the plants here are not lush. There are small plants, and shrubs scattered around the area, laying on a thin layer of organic soil that allows vegetation. Winters are dry, and cool, and summers are hot, humid, and wet.
One major city in the Tropical Grasslands is Cape Town, South Africa. Climatographs (a graph showing the average temperature and precipitation annually) show that the climate here is very typical grassland weather. Cape Town is located at 33°58'S 18°36'E. The table below shows the climate in Cape Town. The Blue bars are the average precipitation for each month in Celsius, the green line with green dots shows the minimum temperature on average, and the red dots on the black line show the maximum temperature on average. Both temperatures are in millimeters, and all this data is relevant from the years !958 to 2000.

Another major city in the grasslands is Kano, Nigeria, located at 12.0022° N, 8.5920° E. The weather here is a bit more intense, because it is closer to a desert area. The information here is in Celsius and millimeters as well. The blue bars show the average precipitation per month, and the black line shows the average temperature throughout the year on average.